Scripture Reading - Matthew 5:44-45

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. KJV

These scriptures encourage us to Love our enemies, bless those that curse us and pray for those who despitefully use (insult or abuse) us and those who persecute us (which means to mock or criticizes us for our faith in Jesus Christ). We all have ample opportunities to show God’s Love to those people who do not like us. In today’s society those who don’t believe in Jesus Christ have been embolden by the media and Hollywood. They feel no sensitivity to the feelings of others when it comes to taking cheap shots at our Beloved Savoir and Lord, Jesus. Yes, even in your very own natural family many disrespect other Christian leaders by calling them hypocrites and false preachers. However, we must remember to be doers of God’s Word even when it does not feel great to keep silent or be respectful to the disrespectful. Jesus told us how to overcome the traps and snares of the devil by returning good for evil. For we know the Believer does not wrestle against flesh and blood but against evil spirits. So if a family member, acquaintance or co-worker accuses you of being simple minded, please don’t retaliate because we are not suppose to stoop down to their lower level of character. We must remain calm, peaceful and joyful because, as Christians, we know that our love for who Jesus Is far outweighs the ridicule of unbelievers. Jesus died for us personally on the cross and rose from the dead for all those who call upon His Name. Knowing that you are saved and have an eternal home in Heaven is why we celebrate God’s goodness every day of our lives. Always remember if the devil, who sometimes uses people, can steal your peace and joy he will. Therefore, when you pray for those who come against you, the door stays closed on the enemy and those who follow his ways. Praying for others while praising God keeps the Power of God working good on your behalf simply because you are being a doer of God’s Word. Amen!